Online dating can no longer be considered a fad. It’s now a widely used, reliable source to find companions. So, here are a few quick tips to help you get started. These are really basic tips, but you’ve got to start somewhere.
Don’t Tell Lies
None. ZERO! Lying can ruin the experience for you and also for anybody thinking they’ve found the perfect mate. It might seem like a great idea to get more attention, or to attract better looking candidates. It will also result in a lot of anxiety when you know the person on the other end of the computer will eventually find out. Unneeded anxiety like that can ruin the whole experience. It can also keep you away from something that could be great for your love life.
Find The Right Picture
Your picture can tell a lot about you, and that’s never more apparent than on a dating site. As we just mentioned, you want to be honest so uploading a picture of yourself that makes you look like model may not always be the best idea, but you should put some serious thought into it. If you’re a happy person, don’t put up a dark, serious picture. The picture should be clear, and well lit. Most site allow you to upload multiple photos. Make sure you do that. Everyone wants to see a potential date in multiple situations, in different outfits, etc.
Don’t Skimp On The Profile
Similar concept to the picture, your dating profile deserves a lot of attention. It’s your first chance to make a second impression after they see your picture. A lot of times it is what makes the difference between someone contacting you, or moving on to the next profile. The more you tell about yourself, the better the chances that you’ll actually find someone you’ll have a good time with. Remember not to be too serious, online dating should be fun so let your profile reflect that.
Make sure that your profile info truly reflects who you are. The right people will be excited and engage with you after seeing your profile. Be Honest. Don’t say you love to watch sports if you don’t really love to watch sports, just because you think that is what a guy wants to hear. You get the picture.
Show Yourself
The most important part of the whole process is to be yourself and to not try to imitate what you think girls or guys are trying to find. Having the perfect picture and profile will get you a ton of e-mails, but it defeats the purpose if you’re actually looking for a long term relationship. If you’re looking for a fling, that’s a whole different story but we’ll get into that in other articles.
Have fun with your online dating journey. It can be stressful at first, but once you get the hang of it you’ll probably wonder why you ever tried to pick somebody up at the local bar. Make sure you check out more Dating Tips.